Ply-splitting started with camel herders fashioning girths for saddles and packs. Today artists have taken ply-splitting to the next dimension – 3D! Starting with a small basket, you’ll learn how to form a three dimensional ply-split object. Once you have mastered the basics, it’s on to a larger basket where you select the design parameters – color order, side height and side shape(s). Your finished product will be a basket unique to you, your imagination and your ability to ply a gripfid. I will teach you the skills; you will make the creative decisions. By the end of the session you will be equipped with the tools needed to ply-split three dimensional items on your own.
L4: Ply-Split Baskets
4.5mm gripfid (may be purchased or borrowed in class)
Paper and writing implement for note taking. A pair of scissors would be useful.