Unknown to most modern weavers, Three-Color Pickup is an older technique for which pattern books have not been readily available until now. To weave this variation, it's very helpful to have a working knowledge of regular Baltic pickup. First we will look at samples and discuss what makes this different from the typical Baltic patterns. By viewing the samples, students will get an understanding of the difference between asymmetrical and symmetrical threadings as well as tips for choosing colors to make the patterns pop. Students will then warp their looms and practice weaving various motifs using pattern charts supplied by the instructor. Annie will share tips for warping, making heddles, fixing mistakes, starting and stopping, and keeping selvages straight. She will also demonstrate how to temporarily remove and replace the warp, as well as how to cut the final project off the loom and handle it when it is complete. As time and student interest allows, we can also explore a free online tool for creating patterns.
J3: 3-Color Pickup for Inkle Weavers
Inkle loom
30 heddles to fit loom, belt shuttle, sharp scissors, cotton yarn in 4 colors (a dark, a medium, a light and one extra), note-taking materials.Yarn should be a DK/Sport weight, or #3 if using perle cotton or crochet cotton. Optional: laptop or tablet to use with the design software.