This will be a hands-on exploration of several useful finishing techniques. Handwoven cloth will be provided. Participants will learn three different methods of sewing hems by hand ─ one that hides the thread, one that creates eyelets, and one that produces well-aligned topstitching. Participants will practice making half Damascus and Damascus edges; large triangle braids; twisted fringe using Mabel Ross’s twisted fringe ratios for two and three-ply braids; and securing braids with whipping and half hitches.
F3: How to Finish Your Handwoven Projects
SKU: 2025-F3
Clip board to secure cloth while working, scissors, a few blunt eye needles in different sizes (e.g., tapestry needles in sizes 18, 22, and 24), fringe twister, desk lamp (optional), and self-standing magnifying glass (optional).