Weavers seduced by gorgeous colored yarns often fail to use them successfully. The usual approach to this problem is to learn color theory –– a huge and daunting undertaking. Learning terminology is NOT the equivalent of learning to use color well. What is needed is a method to translate color theory, terminology and yarn wrappings into actual weaving. You don’t need to master color theory to use color masterfully. Using one color palette and a myriad of weave structures, we’ll take a layman’s approach to color theory and the principles of optical blending for a facilitated, semi-scientific investigation of color design. Weaving in round-robin format on pre-warped looms (with custom-wound warps provided by Ruby), participants will explore the effect different fibers, yarn grists and structures have upon a single colorway. By weaving a color sampler at each loom, everyone will produce the equivalent of a case study in color and weave structure –– a reference tool for weavers to successfully integrate color and design into their cloth-making repertoire. This is an ideal workshop for weavers who feel lost designing with color and/or want to break out of their color comfort zones.
O3: There Must Be 50 Ways to Weave Your Color
Workshop loom with 4–8 shafts (floor or table) No rigid heddle or Klik brand looms.
Supply list will be sent to participants upon registration.