There are many ways to elevate rag weaving to a higher level, and Krokbragd is definitely one of the most fun! Using a 3-harness threading we will explore the design elements of krokbragd using very thin strips of cotton fabric for our weft. As you begin to comprehend how this weft-faced structure works to create pattern, you will progress through graphed instructions to designing on the loom. In this class you will learn various header techniques, perfect your edges , and learn to balance weft and warp to create colorful table runners or rug samplers for future projects.
N1: Krokbragd: Dressed Up in Rags!
SKU: 2025-N1
Pre-warped 4-harness loom warped with 8/4 cotton
remaining 8/4 cotton for headers, scissors, boat shuttles for headers, colored pencils.