This will be a hands-on, round-robin style workshop. Participants will learn about profile drafts and have an opportunity to study and compare six different structures using the same profile draft. The structures are Bronson Lace, Log Cabin (i.e., a color-and-weave plain weave), M’s and O’s, Monk’s Belt, Rep Weave, and Summer and Winter. Participants will also learn how to manage multiple shuttles and how to achieve nice, smooth selvedges. Each person will bring a 4-shaft floor loom that is dressed according to instructions provided by the instructor in advance of the conference. The instructor will bring an extra loom to ease the stress that some weavers experience with round-robin style workshops.
L3: Six Structures - One Profile
4 shaft loom dressed according to instructions sent to participants prior to the workshop.
Weft yarns, shuttles, bobbins, general weaving supplies (e.g., scissors, blunt needle, t-pins, tape measure), paper and pencil