New England Weavers' Seminar
NEWS 2025
July 8 - 13, 2025
Westfield State University
Westfield, MA
The complete listing of course descriptions is now available on the Workshops page.
The Workshop Descriptions PDF is 49 pages long with lots of pictures.
We have also provided a Printable version without the pictures and only 30 pages long.
Public registration begins Sunday, February 9.
Early registration for members of our ten participating guilds
(see here for a list) will begin Sunday, February 2. You must already
have joined a guild to take advantage of this.
This is a weekly preview of planned course offerings.
Changes are always possible.
F9: Block Party
Instructor: Robyn Spady
1/2 day, Sunday, July 13, 8:30 am - 11:30 am, $80
Come and learn about blocks and how to tackle them for future projects. Are you interested in developing new patterns and pushing your loom to new limits? Whether you have a four-shaft loom and want to expand its potential or want to better understand what to with all those shafts, then this workshop is for you! Through presentation, discussion, and hands-on exercises, participants will develop a practical understanding of blocks, profile drafts, and how to use them to create new exciting drafts. This class will explore the fundamental building blocks, including the threading, tie-up, and treadling of many weave structures, such as tied weaves, lace weaves, overshot, and Crackle.
L4: Ply-Split Baskets
Instructor: Rebecca Jensen
2 days, Friday, July 11, 8:30 am - Saturday, July 12, 4:30 pm, $320
Ply-splitting started with camel herders fashioning girths for saddles and packs. Today artists have taken ply-splitting to the next dimension – 3D! Starting with a small basket, you’ll learn how to form a three dimensional ply-split object. Once you have mastered the basics, it’s on to a larger basket where you select the design parameters – color order, side height and side shape(s). Your finished product will be a basket unique to you, your imagination and your ability to ply a gripfid. I will teach you the skills; you will make the creative decisions. By the end of the session you will be equipped with the tools needed to ply-split three dimensional items on your own.